I must share the standard disclaimer that I am not a doctor and cannot give medieval advice. Crystals for healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. Please contact me if you have any questions!

My custom work begins with a 1:1 consultation via phone, zoom or email. I create intuitively so connecting with my customer is super important. It allows me to feel into their energy and learn more about what they’re experiencing and need support with.

After our consultation, I go into meditation and download crystals that may be of greatest benefit to my client. I then share this information and we finalize their custom creation. Each creation is one of a kind and not only serves as a beautiful piece of jewelry but a powerful healing tool. All of my work is infused with reiki and lots of love.

I accept 3 commissions per month. Current waitlist is 3-4 months. Payment options are available.

Custom Jewelry Infused with Reiki


To learn more or request a custom piece, please fill out the form and I will contact you to schedule a 1:1 consultation.

Thank you! I will Contact You Soon to Schedule a 1:1 Consultation.

"She's so beautiful and meaningful. From vision to fruition, you are a gifted artist and a blessing."

"Every single piece I've received is better than I imagined!"

"I am in tears!! She’s so beautiful! And she will mark the journey into the next chapter of Love for me. Thank you for always bringing to life exactly what my soul calls for. I love you."

"Thank you for always bringing to life exactly what my soul calls for."

"I cannot thank you enough! Everyone is blown away by my custom piece from you. It is truly magical and the energy is unlike anything I've felt before. You are amazing, Sol!"

"Everyone is blown away by my custom piece!"


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